What Is A Complete Predicate?

Are you curious to know what is a complete predicate? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about a complete predicate in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is a complete predicate?

In the vast landscape of grammar, understanding the components of a sentence is crucial for effective communication. One such component that plays a pivotal role is the complete predicate. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of what constitutes a complete predicate, its relationship with other sentence elements, and provide examples to solidify your grasp on this grammatical concept.

What Is A Complete Predicate?

A complete predicate is a fundamental element of a sentence that includes the main verb and all its accompanying modifiers, objects, or other words that complete the action or state expressed by the verb. Essentially, it provides the full picture of what the subject of the sentence is doing or the state it is in.

What Is The Complete Predicate Of A Sentence?

The complete predicate encompasses everything related to the action or state expressed by the verb. It goes beyond the verb itself and includes words that provide additional information, such as adverbs, direct objects, or prepositional phrases.

What Is A Complete Subject And A Complete Predicate?

To comprehend the complete predicate fully, it is essential to understand its counterpart, the complete subject. The complete subject comprises the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about and all its modifiers. Together, the complete subject and complete predicate form a complete sentence.

What Is A Complete Predicate Example?

Let’s break down an example to illustrate the concept. In the sentence “The diligent student completed the challenging assignment with enthusiasm,” the complete predicate is “completed the challenging assignment with enthusiasm.” It includes the main verb “completed” along with its direct object “the challenging assignment” and the adverbial phrase “with enthusiasm.”

What Is A Complete Predicate With Examples?

To further solidify the concept, here are a few more examples:

Sheila laughed heartily at the amusing joke.

  • Complete Predicate: “laughed heartily at the amusing joke.”

The orchestra played a mesmerizing symphony at the grand concert hall.

  • Complete Predicate: “played a mesmerizing symphony at the grand concert hall.”

What Is A Complete Predicate In Grammar?

In the realm of grammar, the complete predicate is a key component that contributes to sentence structure. It allows for a comprehensive expression of actions or states within a sentence, providing clarity and depth to the message being conveyed.

What Is A Simple Predicate?

While the complete predicate encompasses all elements related to the verb, the simple predicate is just the main verb itself without any additional modifiers or complements. For example, in the sentence “Sheila laughed heartily at the amusing joke,” the simple predicate is “laughed.”

What Is A Complete Subject?

The complete subject, on the other hand, includes the main noun or pronoun and all its modifiers. It is the element of the sentence that the predicate describes or acts upon.

What Is A Complete Predicate And Simple Predicate?

The relationship between the complete predicate and the simple predicate is that the simple predicate is a part of the complete predicate. While the simple predicate is the core verb, the complete predicate expands on it by including other essential elements.

Complete Predicate Examples With Answers

The diligent student completed the challenging assignment with enthusiasm.

  • Simple Predicate: “completed”
  • Complete Predicate: “completed the challenging assignment with enthusiasm.”

The orchestra played a mesmerizing symphony at the grand concert hall.

  • Simple Predicate: “played”
  • Complete Predicate: “played a mesmerizing symphony at the grand concert hall.”

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Simple Predicate Examples

  • The cat chased the elusive mouse through the garden.

Simple Predicate: “chased”

  • The sunsets in this coastal town are breathtaking.

Simple Predicate: “are”

What Is A Predicate?

In grammar, a predicate is a broader term that encompasses both the simple predicate (main verb) and the complete predicate (main verb along with its modifiers and complements). It is the part of the sentence that provides information about the subject’s action or state.


Understanding the nuances of a complete predicate is a valuable skill in crafting clear and effective sentences. As you navigate the intricacies of grammar, recognizing how the complete predicate works in tandem with the complete subject enhances your ability to communicate ideas with precision. Through examples and explanations, this guide aims to demystify the concept, empowering you to construct grammatically sound and impactful sentences.


What Is Complete Predicate Examples?

Caleb swam in the pool all day. In this sentence, the main verb is swam. The prepositional phrase “in the pool” describes where Caleb swam, and the adverb phrase “all day” describes to what extent Caleb swam, so the complete predicate here is “swam in the pool all day.”

What Is Simple Predicate Example?

A simple predicate is the basic word or words that explain what specific action the subject of the sentence is doing. So, in a sentence like ‘The boy walks to school,’ the simple predicate would be ‘walks. ‘

What Is A Predicate And Examples?

A predicate is the part of a sentence, or a clause, that tells what the subject is doing or what the subject is. Let’s take the same sentence from before: “The cat is sleeping in the sun.” The clause sleeping in the sun is the predicate; it’s dictating what the cat is doing.

What Is A Complete Subject Example?

The complete subject is the specific noun along with any of its modifiers and descriptors. If the noun in a sentence was the word cat, the complete subject could be: A big, mangy grey cat.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is A Complete Predicate In A Sentence

What Is The Complete Predicate Of A Sentence

What Is A Complete Subject And A Complete Predicate

What Is A Complete Predicate Example

What Is A Complete Predicate With Examples

What Is A Complete Predicate In Grammar

What Is A Simple Predicate

What Is A Complete Subject

What Is A Complete Predicate And Simple Predicate

Complete Predicate Examples With Answers

Simple Predicate Examples

What Is A Predicate

What Is A Complete Predicate